
Board 2024

Below you can see the members of the 70th board behind our Study Association 

President - Kaja Lankhorst

Hello there! My name is Kaja Lankhorst and I am the president of the 71st board of CODON. I’m 20 years old and currently in my second year of the bachelor Biotechnology. As president, I oversee the smooth functioning of the association, making use of my expertise gained during my time as a secretary.

In my term as president, I want to advance our association by broadening our horizon through collaborations with other organizations. This will enable our members to fully immerse themselves in the real Wageningen experience and hopefully helps them to build a future. I also wish to be a central point and therefore approachable for all our members.

I love to chitchat with people, so feel free to contact me or drink coffee with me when I am in the hok or when you see me walking by!

You can reach Kaja by sending an email to voorzitter@codon.nl

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-18 at 14.03.36

Secretary - Christian Renne

My name is Christian Renne, and I currently serve as the Secretary for Board 71 of CODON. I am 21 years old and in my second year of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology. Previously, I have been an active member of CODON, and I wanted to invest more of my time into CODON to develop the association and myself.

In my role as Secretary, I take great pleasure in having a comprehensive overview of the association, allowing me to understand all its ins and outs. I intend to use this to my advantage to improve CODON as much as possible!

In my free time, I like to spend time with my friends. I also spend a lot of time on Forum and in the Hok, if you want to chat about something please feel free to send me an email or come by and have a coffee with me!

You can reach Christian by sending an email to secretaris@codon.nl

Treasurer - Amarenz Ringia

Hi, my name is Amarenz and 21 years old. I am a second-year bachelor biotechnology student. This year I will be the treasurer of CODON.

Before joining the board, I already was an active member of CODON, and a member of committees. I enjoy organizing things,

and making sure everything runs smoothly. In the board I oversee all the finances within the association. This also means that I have some influence on where the money goes to and therefore give CODON my own twist. Together with the board I tend to move CODON forward. In my free time I enjoy playing volleyball and hanging out with friends. If you see me around the hok don’t hesitate to come and have a chat.

You can reach Amarenz by sending an email to penningmeester@codon.nl

Commissioner of Internal Affairs - Julia Luijendijk

Hi everyone, my name is Julia Luijendijk, and I am the Commissioner of Internal Affairs for the 71st CODON board. I am 18 years old and currently in my first year of the bachelor Biotechnology. Having been an active member of CODON for a year, I have had the pleasure of contributing to five different committees. Organizing diverse activities and getting members active on a social level in their student life has been a growing passion and has driven my decision to take on this role within the board!

CODON offers exceptional opportunities for students to grow both educationally and career-wise. With our 23 (and counting) committees, we provide a lot of activities for students to enjoy their time, whether they are pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree. From casual activities and drinks to galas and trips, there are numerous ways for members to connect with each other! My goal is to keep creating and maintaining CODON as a place where students can form meaningful friendships and have an exciting and fulfilling student experience.

If you ever have any questions about me, anything related to CODON or just want to come chat about anything, feel free to text me, mail me or meet me at the hok!

You can reach Julia by sending an email to intern@codon.n

Commissioner of External Affairs - Bram Duijster

Hi, everyone. My name is Bram Duijster and I am Commissioner External Affairs of CODON. I am 20 years old and in my second year of the BSc Biotechnology.

As Commissioner External Affairs I am in contact with all CODON’s sponsors and responsible for organising career related activities like lunch lectures and excursions.

Besides my activities with CODON, I am a member of Argo, play field hockey and like to hang out with friends. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me:)

You can reach Bram by sending an email to extern@codon.nl

Study Commisioner - Ellen Beishuizen

Hi guys, my name is Ellen Beishuizen, and I am the Study Commissioner for CODON during the 71st board. I am currently 19 years old and have nearly finished my bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology.

As Study Commissioner, I am particularly excited about inspiring new and prospective students to pursue biotechnology and assisting our current students who may be facing academic challenges. Aside from the study related parts, I am eagerly anticipating the various planned activities and the opportunity to get to know everyone better.

If you have a suggestion on how to improve the study programme, or just want to rant about a course, feel free to approach me when you see me in the Hok or send me an email.

You can reach Ellen by sending an email to studiecommissaris@codon.nl

Attendance Schedule

Monday (12:30-14:00) – Christian Renne

Tuesday (12:30-14:00) – Amarenz Ringia

Wednesday (12:30-14:00) – Bram Duijster

Thursday (12:30-14:00) – Kaja Lankhorst

Friday (12:30-14:00) – Ellen Beishuizen

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