First year students: Casino Night

Dear first-year student,

Did you spend a little too much last month? Forgot that your college money was taken from your bank account? Now is the time to gain all your money back! Show your luck at the Casino Night organized by the BiotECs the 20th of March at the Woeste Hoeve at 20:00!
We will host this night in style with classic games with on the end of the evening a lottery. The more money you gain or spend, the more chance you have on winning some accessoires for the party at KSV later that night!

Look sharp! Game on!

The BiotECs

Movie Night

Dear members,

On March the 25th, the Axie is organizing a movie night! Everybody is invited to join us with dinner at the Forum, only for 1 euro, we will pay the rest! If you want to have dinner, please sign up before the 17th of March via, so we know for how many people we have to reserve the Forum. Please also tell us if you would like to have a vegetarian meal, etcetera. If you only want to the movie, you don’t have to sign up and you can just come if you like!
Don’t forget to vote on facebook for the movie you would like to see, which is still possible. Hopefully we will see you there!


The Axie

T3-Integration Party

Dear members,

Tomorrow, the 4th of March, there will be an integration party organized by several study associations, including CODON! The party will take place at the society of KSV and the doors will be open from 22:00 till 02:00.
If you are a member of CODON, you will receive a little bit of discount, so you only have to pay €3,50 at the door. Otherwise, you will have to pay €4,50.
The theme of this party is ‘Foute Fitness’ (wrong fitness, just something with a bad style). So if you still have your carnival outfit in Wageningen, you can suit up again for the last time!

Hopefully we will see you there, spread the word!


The Axie

Ghost Tour

Dear members,

We have heard some disturbing news about the woods near Wageningen. A few brave Axie-members took the daring quest to walk through these woods to look for some signs about these scary tales. While searching in full darkness, they discovered some well known fairy tale characters who wandered there without known reason. They did not look like they were torn out of a childhood story, but were more… dreadful.
The brave Axie-members who survived have never been the same again. Are you curious about what they saw? Are you courageous enough to take on an adventure? You are welcome to join your own quest at coming Thursday, the 27th at 20:00 in the Woeste Hoeve.
Be brave, or you will not survive…


The remaining Axie-members

Parent’s day

Dear members,

In a few weeks, the StudCie will organize a parent’s day for the first and second year students of biotechnology. On this day, you can show your parents what it is like to be a biotechnologist. This will be shown by doing some practicals, alongside with a college given by one of our teachers.
Are you interested to join? You can sign up by sending an e-mail to before January 15th. For more information, please check your e-mail from the CODON board.

We would like to see you there!


The StudCie

New Year’s dinner

Dear members,

Are you enjoying your Christmas holliday? We surely do, and in the meantime, we are planning our CODON New Year’s dinner which is coming very soon at January 15th!
Would you like to sign up? Please send an e-mail to before January 13th. For more information, please check our facebook webpage.

We would like to see you there!


The Axie